Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oscars, Even Pidgeons go to Heaven

Now that the Oscars are done, I don't particularly want to discuss them in depth because it only reminds me that I have a whole year to wait until they come again. However, as to not ignore them completely, I have a few things to say:

The biggest dissapointments of the night were Transformers's loss of the special effects award and Amy Ryan's loss of the best supporting actress award. I haven't seen The Golden Compass, nor do I want or plan to, but I can't imagine that the special effects that a polar bear (etc) requires are far less than what Megatron and Co. required. Regardless of how cool or realistic things looked in both films, there was a lot more necessity for effects in Transformers and the whole film rocked my world even though I had no initial intention to watch it. IMO, if you're going to animate a polar bear, why not use a trained bear? That's so much more hardcore and exciting! Sheesh.

Also, Tilda Swindon was probably the least deserving of the five supporting actress nominees. I thought for sure the race was between Cate Blanchett, who played a man (and a famous, albiet severly overrated one) and Amy Ryan, who played a slummy coke addicted single mom. To me, those two characters would have been so much more of a stretch to play for the actresses, neither of which are a man or are slummy, than for Tilda's well to do lawyer. Let's face it, Tilda is well to do. Wow, big stretch. She did do a good job, don't get me wrong - but there was no emotional response from the viewer, whereas Amy Ryan managed to bring up a series of debatable thoughts and a couple of tears. In all fairness, Tilda's speech was pretty pimp, so props to her for that.

Speaking of speeches, sheesh! What a great year for well spoken people! Daniel Day-Lewis is instantly hotter in my books because he was so posh and well spoken, and Javier already was sexy, but the Spanish made him slightly outta this world. He's pretty babe-a-licious, even with 'the world's worst hair cut.' Also, big love to Marion who is BEAUTIFUL... French women get all the luck!

Also pretty stoked on No Country's win :)

In other news, I know it didn't win, but I think everyone should watch the nominated short film "Even Pidgeons go to Heaven," which can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agRX7w-2xRE

It's adorable, and only eight minutes long, so you have no excuses. I laughed the whole way through but at the same time it made me think a little bit.

Also, this blog is definatly going to be a media centered one. I'm not really down with broadcasting my life on the Internet (hence the Facebook Lenting, ha) but I love to broadcast my opinions, especially about film, books, and music. Sometimes fine men and fine coffee might be included cause I just can't help myself. On that note, I'm also probably going to start writing for SFU's The Peak newspaper... gotta get involved to create "positive, lasting university memories," right?

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