Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Canterbury Tales, Even Pidgeons go to Heaven, The Kitchen

Unfortunatly, I plan on destroying my afternoon by writing a paper about the Canterbury Tales, and although I enjoyed reading parts of it, I do NOT want to write ten pages on why the Nun's Priest's Tale is funny, mostly because it wasn't. It was a parable about a chicken and a rooster and bluntly comments on male and female gender roles. I dislike Medival comedy, ten page papers, barnyard animals, and gender roles. Especially gender roles. I've been learning about gender roles since my first year at SFU and the only thing I've ever taken away from such lessons is that I am a girl and that is why I act like a girl. Regardless of my dislike for sections of the Canterbury Tales, I suggest that if you have a half hour, Google search the Wife of Bath prologue and tale and give it a quick read through (find the modern translation, I'm sure you'd hate the Old English more than myself.) because she is actually funny, and is a totally fresh and wild break from what has been written about women over the years.

Also, I have two more suggestions pour vous, since it's the weekend and I'm sure most people that read this aren't going out to party (because that's boring). They are:

One of the nominated short animated films from the Oscars is called "Even pidgeons go to heaven" and I know I've mentioned it before although I don't remember the details I gave. WATCH IT! It's ten minutes and super cute, super funny, etc.

Also, there's this great local band called The Kitchen (don't try and Google that, what a nightmare) that I saw live last fall at the SFU pub (they played with Stabilo and it was incredible). They have a really fantastic funk vibe and are very well put together. You can listen to three of their songs at their Myspace ("Flow" is my favorite).

Also, HI MIRIAM! I have your umbrella, you left it in the car today :)

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