Sunday, March 9, 2008

Weekend YouTube Glory

I don't really have a lot of time in the next few days to update because of my hectic school schedule, but in between papers/workshops/assignments/presentations/etc. I've been hitting up YouTube pretty hard, which is actually something I don't normally do - I'm guessing this is because I gave Facebook up for Lent so I needed another time-waster. Even though I'm super-unproductive, I had a really good time with these videos so I thought I'd share!

This one is a HILARIOUS video of a little girl explaining Star Wars Episode IV - I love the "Don't talk back to Darth Vader" comment near the end - so cute!

This one is a video from a Poetry Slam competition - I know it's a little fast paced so you may have to listen twice, but this guy is incredibly talented.

This one I randomly clicked on and I just thought it was so beautiful - the song is by Sigur Ros and the images are so great.

Now that you're busy being unbusy, I'm going to stop being unbusy and get back to being busy with homework.

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