Thursday, June 5, 2008

Blonde Moments and Marble Slab

This morning Nancy and I were driving to work and we noticed that the Honda in front of us was painted a blasphemous puke green color. Nancy said it was gold, but I said it was green, and we couldn't decide until we drove up next to it to get a better look. When we finally checked it out (this was the worst part of my morning, yuck) I said, "it's gold with a green tinge," and Nancy replied, "is that what's written on the side to label it?" I thought that was pretty funny and it made me feel better that Nancy asked a dumb question since yesterday I burned my hand on the lawnmower spark plug. I don't really understand how or why I did this, but it happened and now I have little square burn marks and no feeling in my fingertips.

On a better, less stupid note, last night I went to Marble Slab for ice cream and it was the most delicious experience of my entire week. They make the ice cream fresh and after you choose your flavour they mash it up with the toppings you choose on a slab of marble (this explains the name...). I got my chocolate peanut butter ice cream mashed with Skor bar in a waffle cup. It's amazing and I'm a huge ice cream fiend so I recommend it! Although, for those of you who are easily embarrased and think this sounds like a great place to go, you probably shouldn't bring me along. I'm over-animated and highly excitable enough on a daily basis, so throwing terrific tasty treats into the mix is probably a bad idea for your sanity. I think the girl serving me was a little overwhelmed by my energy....

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