Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Work and words

Today at work, Nancy and I are planning all of the music for our VBS programs this summer - I'm doing the PowerPoints of the lyrics and she's making up actions for the songs. She was reading over this one song and said, "these lyrics suck. What does being invincible have to do with Jesus?" to which I responded, "you do know what 'invincible' means, right?" She answered, "of course I do - it means you can't see him!" This is why I love working with her.

Our office also looks like a jungle. We weren't too pleased on Monday when we had to rip out carpets and empty the sanctuary for the painters because we were dressed all pretty and were already stressed about what we were supposed to be doing - plus, the lack of gloves when we were getting rid of the carpet made us pretty typically female and catty. Our solution was to move all the plants from the sanctuary into our office temporarily, instead of putting them into storage. It looks pretty ridiculous, not going to lie.

Random and unrelated conclusion to this post.... here are my three favorite words:

-Euphemism - the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt.
-Relapse - this is the name I sign off with when I wheatpaste or spray around Delta
-Interstate - it was in a line from a Death Cab song, I think it's interesting

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