Monday, September 8, 2008

Titus Andronicus / Art Gallery

I saw Titus Andronicus at Bard on the Beach this weekend. it was pretty fab, probably the best executed of the plays in terms of visual spectacle - The Tempest had some sweet strobe lights and bubbles but Titus had guts, neck stabs, and slit throats, and it all looked pretty dang good. If it's not sold out, perhaps go see it if you like revenge and some good old fashioned gore. Both Titus and Tamora were beautifully acted! Tamora is pretty hot for a villian. Actually, her lewd sons are pretty fine too, and don't wear their shirts very often. You just have to put up with rape and murder if you want to check out their abs, but it was worth it.

Also, if you're a full time student, it's only $35 for an annual Vancouver Art Gallery membership. If you're not a student, it's $60, which still isn't bad because if you go three times a year then you've gotten your money's worth... but totally a steal for students. I just bought mine online, so if you think this is as fantastic as I do, the Art Gallery link is in that little favorites menu on my right toolbar/menu-ish thing.

Besides that, life is completely opposite of the summer. The summer was poo. I worked with stupid people and I disliked that very much. But now it's Autumn (almost) and it's sort of nice to be back in pants and scarves, even though I haven't gotten used to wearing shoes instead of sandals yet. I'm taking pre-1945 film and it's a pretty sweet class so far. I'll probably gab about it another time.

Oh, also, this winter at the Carousel Theatre, they're putting on "Seussical the Musical" which is a Dr Suess musical. I'm all over this one like jam on toast.

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