Friday, March 21, 2008

Married Life, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

The unfortunate thing about Spring (unfortunate things in Spring are very rare, thank goodness) is that the films hitting theatres are generally big and blockbustery and often lead to dissapointment. Generally, even if the film is entertaining, it doesn't have the sort of artistic merit I crave in a film. I can't really complain though, because I have a Charlie Chaplin silent film box set waiting for me whenever new films just aren't cutting it. That aside, I was browsing through trailers online today, and two films caught my eye: Married Life (with Rachel McAdams, Chris Cooper, Pierce Brosnan, Patricia Clarkson) and Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (with Amy Adams, Francis McDormand). I'm sure neither of these will fulfill my artisitc quality craving, but I'm sure they'll fulfil my honest whimsical comedy cravings. Married Life looks great because I love Rachel McAdams, and the whole idea of it seems interesting and real while maintaining a light quality about it, considering it's dealing with adultery. Miss Pettigrew looks equally fantastic because the cast is stellar and charming and from what the trailer shows, the writing is about the same. C-c-check out the trailers to see for yourself: (Married Life) (Miss Pettigrew)

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