Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jack Johnson

Hey kids,

Jack Johnson has a new CD out titled "Sleep Through the Static" and although I haven't heard all of it, some of his songs are available on his Myspace and I've been indulging all morning. It's very fortunate for a musician when he or she is able to maintain a signature sound without going dry and without losing listeners. Johnson is respectable because he's been making the same style of music since Brushfire Fairytales and is still on the same record label. It's pretty nice that he hasn't succumbed to producers who want to change him or evolve his sound because he's lovely just as he is. I'm excited to buy Sleep Through the Static and hear the whole thing, but for now, the Myspace tracks are on heavy rotation like a washing machine.

He has also made several surf films, one of which is called Thicker than Water and is sitting on my DVD shelf. It's a beautiful, well put together film which taps into the kind of faded Polaroid nostalgia I love. Everything from the shots to the narration to the soundtrack are beautiful and wonderful and make my heart glow like cheap dollar store sicky stars on a ceiling. I don't think it's available for rental, but I'm sure it's available on Amazon for cheap; I bought it new and it was only $15. I suggest you check it out! I'm up for lending it out. :)

If you can't be bothered with a surf film, at least check out the new tracks:

On a little side note, my mum loves him, and although she has a few of his albums (my mum is so cool) she can never remember that his name is 'Jack Johnson' and not 'John Jackson.' I thought that was cute so hopefully it made you smile too.

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