Thursday, July 17, 2008

Film class!

This week I registered for my second-last semester at SFU, but the really exciting news is that I'm taking The History and Aesthetics of Cinema until 1945. I get credits for WATCHING BLACK AND WHITE FILMS all semester! I have a friend who took the post-1945 class, so structure-wise I know what to expect - I get to choose a film of my choice to discuss for my final paper, which pretty much means I get to talk about how the way a film looks reflects it's content and themes. So obviously I'm going to do Citizen Kane. I am so much more excited for this class than I am for pretty much everything else I'm excited about right now, except for seeing Spenser because I'm going a little crazy.

I also cut my friend Jonny's hair into a mullet last night.

Annnnnnd that's pretty much all I have time to say, because I'm being bombed with wartime term papers. World War II was poo, don't study it - study something interesting and NOT overrated, like Africa.

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