Wednesday, August 6, 2008

treelight room

My favorite place in the whole world is Green Bay Bible Camp because I've been going since I was a little kid and every year has brought me something new. I've marked my life by summers and the Okanagan was the biggest presence of every season. No matter who I was with or what I learned or what we did, every year I came home with a head full of stories and a heart full of life. I was there this weekend and it was different - it was adult, it was complex, it was experimental, and it was a different Green Bay than what I had as a kid. But, even though it was strange and different, I brought things home in my head and things home in my heart and I made new friends and did new things. I met a girl named Lyric and she's in a band called treelight room and their music is different and individual and puts ideas in your head and life in your heart, so I thought I'd give them a plug because they remind me of the beach and the giant tree that I stood under as an eight year old as I held my kid brother's hand and watched the waves.

treelight room

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