Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fun new words

Whenever I'm heavily into my schoolwork, I post a lot more. I think the appropriate term for this is "escapism."

I'm writing a paper on "The Imp of the Perverse" by Edgar Allan Poe, but I'm not posting to talk about it or recommend it - in fact, I don't particularly recommend it: I find it interesting but I'm also an English major and that's probably the sole reason why. However, what I DO want to talk about is Poe's language - I have never so heavily relied on when reading a text before! I love learning new words and then casually throwing them into conversation; I am easily and nerdily entertained. That's why reading is so great - it's an easy way to expand your vocabulary to make yourself sound smarter. Or, as I told one of the boys in my English 11 class, it's an easy way to sound smarter to help get the ladies. Whichever way you look at it, here are some interesting new words:

Amativeness - inclined to love or passion
Circumlocution - indirect, roundabout way of expressing oneself
Chanticleer - a rooster
Prolix - long and wordy; unnecessary length
Rabble - disorderly crowd
Meritorious - deserving praise
Fetterless - to be without shackles and chains

And, for fun:

Willy nilly - whether one likes it or not; haphazardly

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