Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Love filtered through grade school Art class

I know it sounds silly, but crawl inside my head for a minute and imagine that the people you love are layers of paper mache pressed against your heart. When you have them, they're tons of fun to work with as you make shapes and mold the paper and create things inside of yourself. When you lose them, the mache hardens - but it isn't a bad thing. The hardened layers make a foundation that's stable and tough, kind of like the bones keeping you together. And when the person who lasts forever comes along, they get to have a stable, strong heart to use as their foundation because when it's their turn, paper mache isn't the only option. They can paint or draw or collage or glitter or use whatever their heart desires for your heart. And they create a work of art inside of you and while all of this is going on, you're doing the same thing to them.

1 comment:

Jacob and Angelika said...

Just found out you had a blog through matts, i geuss everyone has a blog. i see you used the "naked" picture as your profile. have a good friday.